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1095-C Compliance Toolkit:      
Monthly Worksheet Template & Process Workflow included included included
Monthly Snapshot Report Manager included included included
Online library for 1095-C Support & Compliance included included included
Monthly ACA Compliance Services:      
1095C SYNC Data Services      
Sync with existing Payroll System not available included included
Sync with existing HRIS or Online Enrollment not available included included
Sync with existing Health Insurance Carrier not available included included
Automatic EDI (834 Data Feed Compatible) not available included included
1095C AUDIT Compliance Services      
Data Consolidation and Verification not available included included
ACA Compliance Audit and Error Reconciliation not available included included
1095C REPORTS      
Historical Census & Form Management Library not available included included
Monthly 1095-C Worksheet Reports not available included included
Year-end 1095-C Consolidation Report not available included included
Employee & Employer Snapshot Reports not available included included
Year-End Additional Services:      
1095C Year-end AUDIT & Data Management:      
1095-C Compliance Test and Error Reconciliation not available $18.47 per employee included
1095-C Year-end Form Generation not available $19.81 per employee included
1095-C Year-end Printing (each form) not available $1.86 per employee included
1095-C Year-end Mailing (metered 1st class) not available $.49 per employee included
Employer Form Generation & Processing:      
1094-C Year-end Form Generation & Worksheets not available included included
1094-C Year-end Form Filing with IRS not available included included
Data Analytics & Enterprise Reporting:      
Data Analytics & Support not available not available included
** All Year-end Services will be confirmed in November 2015